Chapter 13.1 : En ligne de commandes

Le programme nsys permet de profiler une application en ligne de commande, ce qui est très utile si vous utiliser un cluster de calcul ou une machine distante en général.

Demandons l'aide du programme :
nsys --help
 usage: nsys [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>] [application] [<application args>]

The most commonly used nsys commands are: profile Run an application and capture its profile into a QDSTRM file. launch Launch an application ready to be profiled. start Start a profiling session. stop Stop a profiling session and capture its profile into a QDSTRM file. cancel Cancel a profiling session and discard any collected data. service Launch the Nsight Systems data service. stats Generate statistics from an existing nsys-rep or SQLite file. status Provide current status of CLI or the collection environment. shutdown Disconnect launched processes from the profiler and shutdown the profiler. sessions list List active sessions. export Export nsys-rep file into another format. analyze Identify optimization opportunities in a nsys-rep or SQLITE file. recipe Run a recipe for multi-node analysis. nvprof Translate nvprof switches to nsys switches and execute collection.

Use 'nsys --help <command>' for more information about a specific command.

To run a basic profiling session: nsys profile ./my-application For more details see "Profiling from the CLI" at

Dans la suite de ce cours nous utiliserons principalement profile, stats et analyze.